Sunday 24 November 2013

The best burger in town at JJ Royal Brasserie

Ok so I am feeling very pleased with myself today. I think I have probably found my favourite place to eat a burger in Jakarta. Yes and every one should have a favourite place to eat a burger. A proper burger. I'm not talking about your fast food variety here. I'm talking about a good wholesome meaty tasty burger. I think JJ Royal Brasserie ticked all those boxes! A new eatery, JJ Royal Brasserie is located at Ciputra World Shopping Mall in Kuningan. I first found out about this place because of the rockin' Halloween party they had this year. During the party I won some vouchers and decided it was about time to go back and check out what was on offer in the food department.

The restaurant itself is located at the front of the mall and looks over that crazy road that is always full of traffic. You can sit inside or outside unless of course you are married to a smoker and then you get no choice! So outside it was. The decor is delightful with funky plastic chairs all emblazoned with faces of...I was going to say Geisha girls but then I just noticed in the coaster above that the girl is wearing Korean national dress. This theme runs throughout the restaurant and pictures of the girls feature on the ceiling and walls.
I decided to have a homemade ice tea and although the menu had a range of food - pasta, Indonesian and even fish and chips! It felt like a burger was going to be the choice for today.
Boy, was I glad when I went with that feeling when the burger came. Although there were three different burgers on the menu I felt an immediate draw to the Western Bacon Burger. I like bacon on my burger and here you can choose whether you want pork or turkey bacon. I went with the pork and a medium cooked burger. When it arrived at the table it came on a large platter full of extras to adorn my already large burger. There was also a basket of thin crispy French fries. The extras included gherkins, tomatoes, lettuce, mushrooms and onions. Not to be one to miss out I piled on as much as I could then added some thousand island and ketchup. I liked that the toppings were on the side, its good to let people have the choice of exactly what goes in their burger. The first bite was really rather fabulous. The burger patty was thick and juicy, followed by the combination of the toppings and sauces, just created a really flavourful explosion in the mouth. I really wanted this burger to last forever. The whole meal was extremely filling. I didn't eat any dinner last night after having this for my lunch because I was still full! But it was such a pleasant satisfying full that I really didn't miss not eating dinner at all and would gladly miss a few more dinners if it means I can enjoy this burger again!
Finally, after everything on the plate was polished off, I decided on one of the coffees. There is a separate coffee menu boasting a range of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic coffees. I went with the coffee jello drink which was deliciously strong thanks to the espresso and had chunks of coffee flavoured jelly that shot up the straw now and then to add another element to your iced coffee.
If you like a good wholesome burger, really, look no further. JJ Royal Brasserie has got the best burger in town!

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